Wednesday, 9 October 2013

BBC News reports that, for the first time in history, a fusion reaction produced more energy than it consumed.

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BBC News reports that , for the first time in history, a fusion reaction produced mAtunci when our descendants will look to the past for 2013, it is possible that the events that took place at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the U.S. to be the remaining recorded in history.Researchers in the laboratory located in California have achieved unprecedented success in the history of nuclear fusion , passing a crucial milestone . BBC News reports that , for the first time in history, a fusion reaction produced more energy than it consumed .

Using fusion - the process that powers the sun - to get electricity could offer mankind an unlimited and inexpensive energy source . To achieve this, however, requires that power plants based on fusion to produce more energy than it consumes , which was difficult.Scientists at the National Ignition Facility ( NIF) in the U.S. have used 192 bundles of the world's most powerful laser to heat and compress a tiny hydrogen fuel to the point where nuclear fusion reactions occur .

BBC has learned that in an experiment that took place at the end of September, the amount of energy released by the fusion reaction has exceeded the amount of energy absorbed by the fuel - is the first time this is managed in a dedicated laboratory fusion .

Not achieve success laboratory, that of "fire" in which nuclear fusion generates as much energy as it provides lasers. This datoreaază "inefficiency" over different parts of the system, the inefficiencies that are not all the energy generated by the laser to reach the hydrogen fuel

In 2009, NIF officials announced plans to demonstrate that fusion can produce more energy by 30 September 2012. However, due to unexpected technical problems, the deadline has been exceeded and the energy generated by the merger was less than half than what the mathematical models predicted.

Shortly after the failure, lab worth $ 3.5 billion shifted, reducing the time dedicated merger and increasing time spent on nuclear weapons research, another objective of the institution americane.Totuşi, the latest experiments confirm mathematical models and will be a stimulating research on nuclear fusion.

NIF, at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is one of the projects dedicated merger. Another project worth several billion is ITER, which is currently under construction in Cadarache, France.

ITER will address other than NIF fusion using lasers instead of magnetic fields to control fuel for fusion.
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