"Pillars of Creation" is the most impressive image taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope; Gas colossal columns were photographed for the first time in 1995, and recent Hubble "visited" again these formations, creating even more amazing pictures of them.Cold gas giant columns, bathed in ultraviolet light coming from a cluster of young stars, massive, located in the Eagle Nebula (M16) -Lights 6,500 years from Earth, is the subject of pictures famous "Pillars of Creation". The original was made by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995 read more...
Red cyclops eye - James Webb Hubble's replacement.
An eye closes, another opens. Hubble space telescope famous, enjoying his last moments. His successor is called the James Webb. Much cheaper, easier, much larger, more accurate and scheduled for a more distant orbit than any other telescopes, James Webb sentenced to perfection.
Dawn spacecraft reached orbit dwarf planet Ceres. It is the first in history to cut the performance - VIDEO
Dawn spacecraft NASA came dwarf planet Ceres orbit. It is located about 61,000 kilometers of Ceres when he entered the gravitational field.
The team leading the mission on Earth, in Pasadena, California, received a signal from the probe has confirmed that it works properly and entered orbit. read more...
Big Bang Theory, questionable. The universe could have no beginning.
If this new theory proves true origin of the universe is the Big Bang.A group of researchers argues that the theory on the origin of the universe could be wrong. More specifically, they say that the universe does not have a beginning.
"Our theory suggests that the age of the universe may be infinite," said Das saury, coauthor of the study. read more...
Life not dependent on water could exist on Titan, Saturn's moon.z
Titan, Saturn's natural satellite could accommodate a dependent life form methane, according to an experiment carried out by researchers at Cornell University.
They modeled a form "different" life, which does not require oxygen, but methane and that can reproduce and metabolize similar to that of Earth read more click here...

Big Bang? Scientists have a new theory about creation of Universe .It might be time to say "goodbye" Big Bang Theory. A team of cosmologists speculate that the universe was formed from debris ejected when a four-dimensional star collapsed into a black hole. This new scenario postulated by researchers would explain why the cosmos seems to be so uniform in all directions.Big Bang model states that the Universe exploded. However, no one knows read more...

Sonda Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer ( LADEE ) reached lunar orbitA lunar probe launched by NASA on September 6, managed to place in orbit around the Earth's natural satellite, despite the smooth functioning of operations and missions launched by U.S. space agency is seriously affected by the federal budget in the country read more...

Mars, the first "stop" on the way to the future The sky was a challenge for humans since the early stages of our civilization. The
desire to reach the vault of the world is reflected in countless myths
from all cultures of the world, the flight of Icarus at the Tower of
Babel, and the ability to travel by air was considered a divine
attribute in all the world religions.Over
The Most strange area in the Solar System !!!We are all familiar with the fact that the solar system is a cosmic spiral group, with a core glowing sun, nine planets orbiting around which, among which the Earth. As well known, but less popularized component is present in the Solar System Kuiper belt, . read more...
A "strange creature" was photographed by Mars rover Curiosity (PHOTO) A Japanese blogger found figure of "creatures" quadrupeds, caught in one of the dozens of photographs taken by the Mars rover Curiosity American. The picture, posted on the UFO Sightings Daily, the "rat Martian", which seems to be a creature with four legs and a tail, among rocks on Mars read more..Mining spatial object of the new billionaires from Google.Two billionaires at Google, famous director James Cameron, a former astronaut and former head of Microsoft's software will join forces to launch a new company, Planetary Resources, which aims to mine asteroids.The company will unveil its intentions in a press conference which will take place on Tuesday at
the Museum of Flight in Seattle read more..
Unlocking the mysteries of the Red Planet: Curiosity rover conducted a second drilling Martian Rock U.S. rover Curiosity executed a second drill in a Martian rock, which will yield a sample to be analyzed later by instruments on board the NASA sent robot on Mars in /25/6/2013, the U.S. space announced.Curiosity made on May 19th, a hole diameter of 1.6 inches and a depth of 6.6 inches in a rock called "Cumberland" with a drill before the end of its robotic arm, Jet Propulsion. read more
Water billion years old: discovering that changes what we knew about life forms Water was collected from a depth of 2.4 km in mine Timmins, Ontario."When formed rock in question, the part of Canada was, in fact, the bottom of the ocean. When
students enter the mine with : "Imagine you go to the bottom read more..

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