Are we alone in the Universe? Question haunt us much, and the answers are, so far, only theoretical speculations. Search for alien life continues on many fronts, and one of the latest and most exciting contributions is lucrararea published two scientists from Kazakhstan, which launches a bomb hypothesis: our genetic code hide informational signals reveal an intelligent and deliberate intervention a mathematical and semantic message that would not have arisen through Darwinian evolution type. Then who us "written" genetic code? Where and when?
Cum a APARUT OMUL...exista cateva teorii
3.Interventie Extraterestra
-Cu zeci de mii de ani in urma fiinte straine avansate tehnologic au venit pe planeta Terra si au transformat prin
mutatii genetice maimutele,sau oamenii primitivi in fiinte asemanatoare lor...cum in biblie se spune,,sa facem pe om
dupa chipul si asemanarea noastra''
-Dar pe extraterestri cine ia CREAT asa de avansati,
sau au evoluat?!
-Daca exista un creator - dumnezeu,cum a permis ca altcineva
sa intervina in creatiile sale si sa le modifice ?!
-Acesti extraterestri numiti ZEI daca ar fi fost altfel
construiti anatomic,atunci o implantare a unor seminte
extraterestre in femelele pamantene ar fi fost imposibila
deoarece nu erau compatibili.
-Fiecare tezaur ereditar,cel al zeilor si cel al omului
primitiv trebuiau sa se combine,dar fiecare tezaur genetic
trecuse printr-o alta dezvoltare embrionara,ceea ce rezulta un conflict pe care embrionul nu-l poate permite.
-A se vedea imperecherea dintre magar si cal sau
leu si tigru,hibrizii rezultati sunt nefertili.
Incrucisarile hibride genereaza ALTERARI in tezaurul genetic
al speciilor.
-Au fost extraterestii pe planeta noastra sau nu ?!
-Distantele ENORME dintre galaxii sau sistemele solare
fac imposibile aceste calatorii interstelare,e vorba de
zeci, sute ,sau milioane de ani lumina !!
În acest scop ei crează al doilea om, pe noi, prin inginerie genetică,
adaptând și combinând ADN-ul lor cu cel al hominidului de Neanderthal
până când crează omul de Cro-Magnon. ET urmăresc prin aceasta, ca părți
din sufletul lui PO să intre în corp fizic uman ptr a experimenta
moartea fizică, căutând astfel să *fure* cumva, după moartea fizică a
corpului uman, partea sufletească a lui PO care a experimentat moartea.
Apoi să o re-integreze genetic cu ADN-ul lor (din care lipsește
sufletul), ptr a deveni imortali, la fel ca și Creatorul lor.Aceasta este *teoria cobaiului*, respectiv motivul ptr care a fost
creată specia umană. Nu mai continui și cu Universul celui de-al doilea
Creator al Conștiinței de Sine Supreme, ptr că ar fi prea mult! Ambele ipoteze mi se par apropiate de realitatea pe care noi o putem
percepe acum și provin din surse diferite...dacă aveți comentarii
pertinente și/sau alte ipoteze, aștept să dezbatem!
Un gând bun tuturor!
scientists are the first to discover that ... Vedic writings tell us,
Sumerian, Egyptian hieroglyphics tell us drawings and writings Mayan
civilizations of South American Hopi, the findings of Bucegi ...
generally those of ancient civilizations. The Bible itself tells us: * to make man in our image * ... whatever that hard to understand (ptr some) this! Some (are) asking: * but * who created God? Well
this is nonsense ptr a person who knows that * God * is an abstract ...
conceptually limited capacity of thinking and understanding of the
human mind in this 3D dimension in which we evolved so far, we can not *
acknowledge / *
ptr perceive this notion that our mind is * normal * reality * palpable
* our physical senses, dense matter that is subject to specific laws of
physics in this size / density. Since
everything that exists (both physical universe known / perceived by us
and-n dimensions / densities higher) is manifest creative energy, what
good to ask yourself who created God? The
notion of * God * is the Supreme Consciousness that manifested at the
time T zero, say, self-conscious awareness of being ... in other words,
energy unmanifested, endless and timeless (SOURCE / whole), A MANIFESTED
/ PRODUCT FORM colossal energy of vibration-think through who wished to
become aware Star VIBRATION thinking that led to the * primordial
creator * (or big bang that I * know * us)! From here on two assumptions that appear as true: 1. Being
self-consciousness of being whole, and wanted, at a time, testing the
state of bliss ... and here to start the game: how She could not
self-aware source or wanted
to experiment in the conscious state, simultaneously, the state of
being and state of bliss, basically started the primordial creation
after creation ... created by a new manifestation of thought-vibration
energy, the first fragmentation self-consciousness, the first entity. The
first entity, Scraps, division of Source energy self-consciousness
began to turn to self-fragment and nine known physical universe (stars,
solar systems, planets, etc.) divided into seven vibrational frequencies
that make up the collective consciousness a
* family * or group ... besides our galactic universe known to us,
there are an infinite number of universes structured infinite
vibrational energies. After
fragmentation that led to the creation of our physical universe, it is
understood that the human race was created by some of these entities
took different forms in the physical body or alien races. We are a combination of the DNA of a hominid races that exist on earth and DNAs few ET races. February. Source
/ whole eternal consciousness became self aware decided to experiment
with a * limited * infinity and self-energy fragments with the same
thought in two Creators, and simultaneously creating two universes, that
duality: from now born free will. One
of these two creators decided to create a perfect being to experience
physical death (a limitation of boundlessness), because he could not do
... create, so the first man (PO or God). PO
(the first man) is soul (part) of the Creator in the human body, so
immortal, creates in turn soulless beings (ET) in a physical body to
experience death. In
turn, ET realize that they were created for the purpose of testing
physical death PO and will have access to the soul of PO ptr to become
like him, or immortals. For this purpose they create the second man, the new genetically engineered
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