Wednesday 29 May 2013

Golden discovery

Piesele de aur sunt lucrate cu o măiestrie extraordinară.






Golden discovery: Archaeologists discover astonishing haul 'linked to Alexander the Great' in network of tombs in Bulgaria

  • Beautifully-preserved treasures found in Bulgarian historical site
  • Thracian artefacts are more than 2,000 years old
  • May be linked to Phillip II of Macedon, Alexander the Great's father
Gold Jewelry, made with incredible craftsmanship, were unearthed during excavations in a Thracian tomb in northern Bulgaria - the largest of a complex of 150 tombs belonging to the Thracian tribe of Getae.
The pieces date from the late fourth century BC - III century BC, among them are female figures adorned with brooches, a gold ring, a beautiful tiara adorned with floral and animal and 100 gold buttons. Archaeologists believe that attended the discovery treasure could have been wrapped in a woven with gold thread, as several threads of gold were discovered nearby.

Nasturii de aur au fost găsiţi în număr mare în tezaur.

Getic the tracks were discovered near the village is Sveshtari, approx. 400 km northeast of Sofia. One of the graves here, known as the Tomb of Sveshtari is inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage list due to its scenery and strange characters murals representing fantastic creatures, half women, half plant.

Bulgarian experts from the National Institute of Archaeology states that the pieces date from a time when power was at its peak and Getae see a link between the rich tomb treasures of gold and get Cothelas king, an important leader of the fourth century BC. en

Archaeologists expect to find a huge necropolis. probably about Cothelas's funeral, which was one of the laws of Philip II (he took his daughter in marriage Cothelas, Meda), king of Macedonia and father of Alexander the Great.

Thracians have mastered an area spanning present territories of Romania, Bulgaria, northern Greece and the European part of Turkey, starting from the Bronze Age. Living space borders Greek and then Roman influence have interacted and often clashed with those civilizations until they were assimilated by the Roman Empire in the I-II en

Treasury is currently at the National Archaeological Museum in Sofia. These elements of material culture provides valuable information, helping historians to learn more about the origins and lifestyle of the Thracians, in the absence of written documents.

Unele dintre bijuterii au o lucrptură mai simplă; altele însă, sunt impresionante prin decorul bogat.
Podoabele de aur, cu figuri feminine, sunt printre cele mai impresionante piese din tezaur
Sursa: Mail Online

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