Who is in the iss june 2013 ? Iss member list in june 2013 ?
Today 06/10/2013 june ISS 4 member list
As of May 29, 2013, 209 individuals have made 346 spaceflights to the ISS, including the six people currently at the ISS (Expedition 36). NASA astronauts Mark E. Kelly and Frederick W. Sturckow plus cosmonauts Yuri Malenchenko and Fyodor Yurchikhin made four spaceflights to the ISS, while 23 people made three and 79 people made two. Note that this list assigns individuals with dual citizenship to their country of primary residence at time of launch (for example, the Iranian-American space tourist Anousheh Ansari is only listed under the United States).
At about 300 km above the Earth, which, in a day and a night, give a detour of about 16 times, the most famous artificial satellite ever put into orbit by humans - International Space Station - home to a small group of people living and work "up there" artificial structure serving them as a temporary home. Although the composition of the group keeps changing, each of its members spent a few weeks at a time aboard the station, the entire organization as a whole, this "fly camps" looming like Earth colonies that could one day exist on the Moon or Mars - the bold dream of visionaries today.
Until we get to have colonies on other planets or celestial bodies on the man ever find available and suitable, we up there, an outpost of civilization on Earth. Like those limitanei - Roman soldiers that guarded the frontiers of Empire - ISS astronauts living somehow land on the outskirts of civilization, of course, not in the social sense of the word, but in the "space".Many dreams of going there, live the dream fulfillment in one of the most coveted jobs - the Astronaut - drawn space fascination exerted upon us all, and fascination with science and technology they perform very advanced on many of us.But once there, surely everyday life aboard the ISS would temper the ardor of many, and even the way there (not to mention daily life) with high probability it off elation, bliss, ecstasy.After that, at best, would remain consciousness, interest in the mission accomplished, team spirit - that all things that help us do our work here on Earth. And perhaps, as spiritual support, would remain somewhere in a corner of the mind, the idea that, however, you are lucky that you are there, as participants in something important and contribute to the evolution of humanity. Otherwise ... hard work and routine, all in difficult conditions.
In 1993 the partially built components for a Soviet/Russian space station Mir-2, the proposed American Freedom, and the proposed European Columbus merged into a single multinational programme.The ISS is arguably the most expensive single item ever constructed,and its existence and operation is in result of one of the most significant instances of international cooperation in modern history.
The ISS serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory in which crew members conduct experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology and other fields.The station is suited for the testing of spacecraft systems and equipment required for missions to the Moon and Mars.
Since the arrival of Expedition 1 on November 2, 2000, the station has been continuously occupied 12 years and 216 days, currently the longest continuous human presence in space. (In 2010, the station surpassed the previous record of almost 10 years (or 3,634 days) held by Mir.) The station is serviced by Soyuz spacecraft, Progress spacecraft, the Automated Transfer Vehicle, the H-II Transfer Vehicle,and the Dragon spacecraft. It has been visited by astronauts and cosmonauts from 15 different nations.The ISS programme is a joint project among five participating space agencies: NASA, the Russian Federal Space Agency, JAXA, ESA, and CSA.The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements.The station is divided into two sections, the Russian orbital segment (ROS) and the United States orbital segment (USOS), which is shared by many nations. The ISS is maintained at an orbital altitude of between 330 km (205 mi) and 435 km (270 mi). It completes 15.7 orbits per day.[19] The ISS is funded until 2020, and may operate until 2028.[20][21][22] The Russian Federal Space Agency (RSA/RKA) has proposed using ISS to commission modules for a new space station, called OPSEK, before the remainder of the ISS is de-orbited.
The ISS serves as a microgravity and space environment research laboratory in which crew members conduct experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology and other fields.The station is suited for the testing of spacecraft systems and equipment required for missions to the Moon and Mars.
Since the arrival of Expedition 1 on November 2, 2000, the station has been continuously occupied 12 years and 216 days, currently the longest continuous human presence in space. (In 2010, the station surpassed the previous record of almost 10 years (or 3,634 days) held by Mir.) The station is serviced by Soyuz spacecraft, Progress spacecraft, the Automated Transfer Vehicle, the H-II Transfer Vehicle,and the Dragon spacecraft. It has been visited by astronauts and cosmonauts from 15 different nations.The ISS programme is a joint project among five participating space agencies: NASA, the Russian Federal Space Agency, JAXA, ESA, and CSA.The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements.The station is divided into two sections, the Russian orbital segment (ROS) and the United States orbital segment (USOS), which is shared by many nations. The ISS is maintained at an orbital altitude of between 330 km (205 mi) and 435 km (270 mi). It completes 15.7 orbits per day.[19] The ISS is funded until 2020, and may operate until 2028.[20][21][22] The Russian Federal Space Agency (RSA/RKA) has proposed using ISS to commission modules for a new space station, called OPSEK, before the remainder of the ISS is de-orbited.

Environment on the ISS has some special features that require special behavior. The most important of these features is micro-gravity, due to which all - people and objects - float through the air, nothing stays in place unless it has been carefully set and very simple things, such as moving from one point to another, personal cleanliness, sleeping, eating and drinking should be made here in some way other than the earth.Another feature of the site is limited space, which requires each concern as not to be disturbed, and care not to disturb the others. Astronauts are generally one bunk, where they themselves fit, sleeping bags, a few personal items and ... that's about it. Berths can be closed during night rest for a bit of peace and solitude, but limited comfort remains strong.Life on the ISS, astronauts say they tried, subject to strict rules of discipline, could not be otherwise, in a space so narrow, crowded and they are to be done.Crew members themselves generally from 6am, is a toilet, then breakfast, then an important organizational moment: meeting to plan the day - a meeting between the air crew and staff at the mission control center.About eight or so, everyone is ready to work and everyone gets down to business they have done that day. The ISS is conducted various research projects in biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology and so on, to be mounted experiments, recorded data ... It works much the installation of various equipment, the installation of new components of the plant, which has been increasing year year by the addition of new sub-assemblies, in most research laboratories often with complex sets of equipment. Sometimes you need and output outside the station for installation or repair work that can last for hours and are very difficult.

An important part of the ISS is the exercise mandatory for all crew for at least two hours daily. Require special environment on the ISS, ie all the lack of gravity, which is very harmful effects on the body, from the musculoskeletal system. Muscles atrophy, fragile skeleton because bone loss. Vigorous exercise that makes musculoskeletal work, is designed to prevent these serious consequences. (Even so, the job of an astronaut is, as stated on the basis of more and more research, one of the most detrimental to health.)

Eating, washing, sleeping and other daily chores

13.00 - Break for lunch (one hour), then again exercise and scientific and technical work. At 19.30, the workday ends and they take astronauts dinner, the whole man, and then remain together to discuss common issues and individual until bedtime comes. At 21.30 it gives extinction.
Drastic, I know, with these hours of sleep and you wake up early. That's astronauts are there to work, not vacation. We do not know what program or had the few space tourists who have spent stays on the ISS, but it's hard to imagine that it would be able to sleep until later, once the crew is awakened and bustle through that tight space.
In total, the astronauts work and practice about 10 hours weekdays and Saturdays 5:00 except Sundays (if done something that can not wait). Keeping as much as possible, a weekly program similar to that of Earth helps to maintain the pace and inner balance.

Also avoid nictemeral rhythm disturbance (alternating periods of sleep and wakefulness) during the hours of sleep windows are covered, otherwise strange experience to see 16 times as many sunrise and sunset times in 24 hours (due to ISS of 15 to 16 revolutions around the Earth), would hurt anyone sleep.
Astronauts sleep in sleeping bags suspended; theoretically could sleep without the bag, drifting through the air, but this is avoided, because people do not hit the buttons or displays any sensitive equipment. It's important to have good ventilation, because otherwise, astronauts could poison expired carbon dioxide, which would remain around their head (again due to lack of gravity).
The food is kept frozen or canned form, each one prepared what he lusts (of what is). The station is equipped with refrigerator, warmers and a water dispenser that provides both cold and hot. Due to changes of body fluids circulation in the head, taste sensations are diminished, dishes seem a little bland. Therefore, astronomers prefer the ISS, spicy fare than eating normally on Earth.

Mass is an opportunity for meeting socially agreeable, but, as the pleasure of eating, things are completely different than down here. In microgravity, liquid foods such as soups or drinks should be consumed sipping them through a straw in a closed container, eat solid foods, on a case by case basis, by hand or using a knife and fork, the latter equipped with magnets and spatial diners should remember to always place them on a plate or metal plate to be fixed. Cleaning after food is more important than anywhere, any piece of food, even the crumbs have gathered from the air as not to step into the bowels accident and who knows which device to block it.Activities related to personal hygiene must strike a balance between the need to be clean and that use as little water. On the ISS, water is a precious resource. We need water for drinking, cooking, washing, for some experiments, and such water can not be stored in compressed form, it occupies a large volume. On the other hand, space is limited, and the weight it can carry and supply shuttle space station itself. So water should be used sparingly. Astronauts use, hygiene, and use special wipes for low volume water rinse. The toothpaste is also of a special type of edible, in order to be swallowed and thereby save water.Toilets are not the ones that shoot water, but are equipped with a vacuum system of solid wastes, which are then stored in an aluminum container and sent to Earth by spacecraft. (Excuse entering into details of this type, but they help us to better understand the constraints of the life of an astronaut.)One of the most interesting aspects of water saving - publicized as much as it is less appealing, - is recycling urine into a performance filtration and sterilization system, which recovers water excretion product in question and transforms it into drinking water.Overall - a difficult life, physically and mentally, which is why few are really able to bear. Fortunately, the world is pretty big so there are still plenty of people still in a state of such missions.

International Space Station has been continuously occupied since November 2000. Shipping after successive expeditions, each with its with its objectives with difficulties. Those are up there at this time are members of the 29th expedition.
Information held on the occasion of these missions are extremely valuable for future space missions of humanity. A huge amount of new data on the effects of prolonged stay in space on the physiology of plants and animals, the human body and psyche, gathered in the almost 11 years of research on the ISS. Consequences on human space missions were reviewed, and based on this knowledge, is already looking for solutions to counter the problems that might arise during proiectatelor manned missions to distant targets such as Mars.
Latest information said the countries involved in the construction and maintenance of the ISS have decided that it will remain in operation until at least 2020, possibly until 2028. We remain, so many years to learn even more about how to conquer space, pushing the boundaries further and further until we can get "in person".

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